Wednesday, November 12, 2008

NRA material - not so much

Two things I know for sure after my little excursion yesterday: the NRA will never ask me to be their poster child nor will they ever ask me to be a spokesperson - we'll just leave that job to Ted Nugent.
Because yesterday was Veterans Day, Josh had the day off from work. He thought he would surprise me by taking me to do something "fun". So while Jack was at Mother's Day Out, Beau went to Nana Robin's and Josh took me to shoot guns.
I have never been a big fan of guns - they are dangerous when in the wrong hands. However, I had formed this grandiose idea in my head that going to a gun range would be something sexy - like Addison Montgomery on Private Practice a couple of weeks ago.
Life never resembles television though, and I am sorry to say I embarrassed myself - not with my shooting ability (because honesty, for my first time, I wasn't that bad). Rather I embarrassed myself by having an emotional breakdown right there in front of everyone.
I don't know if it was the gun or the target resembling a human silhouette but I fired three shots and on came the tears. Josh tried to be supportive (I'm sure inside he was dying laughing - after all, who shoots a gun at a piece of paper and then cries?!). He told me I didn't have to shoot anymore and so we packed up our things and started to make our way out the door. That's when the owner of the shop asked how I did and if I liked it - and on came the waterworks again. Despite my shaking hands and tear filled eyes, the man made me take another gun (smaller this time) and a bullseye target and pretty much forced me into trying again.

I handled the smaller gun better and the bullseye target didn't bother me near as much.In fact I hit the bullseye head on with my first shot; however, this is not something I would care to do again. Josh tried to tell me how important it was to know how to protect myself and my family if an intruder was to enter our home, but I am afraid I would be completely useless if such a scenario were to ever take place. Does such uselessness with a firearm make me a horrible parent? Surely there is another way to protect those I love.

*Ted Nugent photo courtesy NRA Google images
*Kate Walsh photo courtesy ABC


Stacey Cannon said...

Awww Melinda! I'm sending you a huge hug right now! You are so brave for trying again...I'm not so sure I could have. I have mixed feelings about guns. Like you, I am afraid I would be so overwhelmed in the moment I would need to use it, that it may be used against me instead. I don't know...I'm thankful that Norman carries one when he deploys, but I don't like them otherwise. I am, however a fan of the taser and am considering getting one of those...And after my day yesterday I'm closer to signing up for a class...

The Happy Mom said...

Your post cracked me up, even though I can totally relate, there's no way I could shoot at something that had a human silhouette-why couldn't they have had it be a bear or monster or something, LOL? And I agree with the poster above, I'm all about the taser and pepper spray but would NOT at all feel comfortable using a gun for protection. Too scary!

Shawna Byrd said...

I agree about the gun thing. They scare me. But seriously, you look totally hot holding a gun. I think Josh had secret intentions! I also think its a good thing to know how to do- just in case. Plus, it looks like our a natural. BULLSEYE!

Melinda said...

Hahahaha - thanks Shawna, although I can safely say I am no Kate Walsh - but, I'm okay with that...really.

Dawn said...

This made me laugh! Sorry! LOL

One year for Christmas my in-laws bought me a handgun! What's up with that? I didn't even ask for it.

I really would like to take shooting lessons and get a permit to carry.

I've shot rifles before. I've been out with my brother shooting prairie dogs from the truck window! LOL He was pretty impressed! Prairie dogs drive farmers crazy. This was when I lived in Guymon!

Melinda said...

It makes me laugh now need to apologize : )

A shotgun for Christmas?!?! - that sounds like the worst gift EVER! (lol)

Daniele said...

Good for you, although guns are scary. Believe it or not I used to go deer hunting when I was younger and can shoot a rifle. I am not quite sure about a handgun, they really make me nervous. Doug had one when we first got married and he got rid of hit for me, but now he wants to get one again. I am scared of having one in the house with the boys, they just make you more nervous when kids are around. But good for you for going, it actually sounds like fun.

Melinda said...

I don't know if "fun" would be the word I would use : ) but it was definitely educational.

Newberry said...

You poor thing! That is so something I could see happening to myself. When my eyes began to fill with tears there is just no stopping them! It is good that you have the experience, though it just stinks that it is not what you expected.