I can’t believe I missed my blogoversary…actually I can – it was Saturday, the day after my son got trampled by a sheep and the same day my family was trying to blow themselves up.
I started this blog as a way for my family to keep up with what was going on in our lives. I never expected it to take on a life of its own; but here it is a year later with followers from around the globe.
I can’t tell you what a thrill it has been making new friends both in the virtual world and in the real world.
As a way of me saying thank you for sharing in our good times, our bad times,
our funny moments,
and all those extra occasions; I want to bestow upon you a small gift, a token of my appreciation. It’s not much but it’s all I could come up with since the little one is sick today.
Because when I’m sick, I like to pop in my favorite movie of all time – Pride and Prejudice. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched this movie. I’m pretty sure I can recite every line by heart.
So, that is what I am giving away to one lucky reader – a widescreen version DVD of the most romantic movie ever.
To enter, just leave me a comment telling me your favorite movie.
You have until Friday evening to enter. I will announce the winner on Saturday morning. Good luck and again, thank you so much for following along!!
**Pride and Prejudice photo from AllMoviePhoto.com
Sorry - I have to go with comedy. Animal House rocks!!!!!
Happy Blogoversary! I have to go with P.S I love you.
Happy Blogoversary! It was fun to see little snippets from your blogging past. My favorite movie of all time is probably Forrest Gump. Can you believe I haven't seen Pride & Prejudice? Guess I need some culture in my life. :)
Happy Blogoversary!!! I would have to say my famorite movie Dirty Dancing!
Congrats and Happy Blogversary! My favorite movie is PS I love you!! Hands down. I could watch that one a million times!
Happy Blogiversary! I'm so glad the weekend ended safely! Fireworks really freak me out! I love Shakespeare in Love and Chicago, Family Man is another great one - I could keep going.....
Happy Blogoversary! I enjoy your blog so much, (love your new header)!! I have a billion favorite movies, but my all time favorite is Meet me in St. Louis. Just about one of the best movies E.V.E.R! I've never seen pride & pred. (gasp) I know! LOL
Its funny that you put this question on here- I just had to defend my dislike of movies on another friend's blog, but I also listed my top 10 movies. My #1 is Godfather.
Happy blogoversary!
I can't believe it has only been one year! Your blog is so great. I always love coming over. I adore your pictures. AND your children. I love you even more now that I know you are a fellow yellow. I mean yeller : ) fellow yeller's unite!
My favorite movie of all time? I guess Beaches. I love Bette. Although, I watched it a few weeks ago and there were a lot of bad parts in it that I didn't remember.
I've never {gasp} seen Pride and Prejudice! But I'd love to...I didn't realize Keira Knightly was in it.
My favorite of all time is Forrest Gump. :)
And thanks for your sweet comment on my blog.
Happy Blogoversary!!!!
I think my favorite movie of all time might be Grease.
Happy Blogoversary!
I so love Pride and Prejudice. It's just the most romantic movie ever. I also love Because I said so.
It's so funny!
Congrats on your blogversary!!! how awesome-and I can say i have met you!!!!
my fav movie(s)
as good as it gets
under the tuscan sun
p.s. i love you
okay I will stop now I could go on and on...
Congratulations and Happy Blogoversary! Hope your little guy feels better! By far my favorite movie and book is Gone with the Wind.
Favorite movie...that is hard. I think it would have to be, "You've Got Mail". Yep...I love Meg Ryan in that movie... :) Happy Blogoversary!!!!
Happy Blogversary! Dropping by from Iheartfaces. Love the photo of your Lil' Mutton Buster. I've never seen Pride and Prejudice.. although I've heard many say it's the most romantic of all. My favorite.. Fireproof.. love me some Kirk Cameron lol.
Happy Belated Blogversary. I think my favorite movie is Pretty Woman or Steal Magnolias. I am a huge Julia Roberts fan.
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